I live in Santiago, Chile. Since childhood I love drawing, painting and singing. At 13 years old I got my first award in painting about the human right issue and later I participated in others art competitions organized by the Chilean Ministry of Education. I was awarded with a scholarship to study at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile at age 14. At the same time, I continued my secondary education and music composition. My teachers were the artists Teresa Gazitúa, Lautaro Labbé, Alfonso Luco Valenzuela and Pedro Olmos, who let me for years to share his studio in Linares, Chile. With him I prepared my first solo exhibition at the Museum of Art of Linares and then at the University of Talca with the presentation of Vittorio di Girolamo, and I participated in group exhibitions at the Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago. I studied textile printing, and publicity and design at the University Diego Portales. At present, I work in graphic design.